What to do if Google Play Services are not working? What to do if Google Play Services are not working?

Google Play Services or Google Play Services are an indispensable component of Android. They perform key functions on all Android devices. And even if you don't have an Android phone, you will need this software to run other apps such as Google Maps, Google Cast feature or, directly, the Google Play Store app store.

They are usually installed by default on most Android phones. And if this is not the case, you can install them manually. Anyway, it's very useful. And although they usually work correctly, sometimes they may not start. If you try to open an application that depends on Google Play Services, an error message may appear on the screen.

Google Play Services are not working: how to solve the problem

Every problem has a solution. And on an Android device, there are always several solutions to this type of problem. Since Google Play Services are just another part of Android, they look like just another app. This means that you can delete, reinstall, delete data, or update it. Next, we'll look at this and other solutions to ensure that Google Play Services work correctly on your mobile phone.

Restart your Android device

Before you get started, it's worth checking if the problem with Google Play Services is a problem with the Services themselves. The application often does not work correctly for some temporary reason. And such problems are solved by a simple reboot. Try restarting your Android phone if Google Play Services won't start. Turning on the device again can solve everything.

To restart your phone, try holding down the power button until the settings appear on the screen. Then click "Restart" and wait for everything to return to normal. If you have Google Assistant enabled, this button will not work for you. You can ask the Assistant to restart the phone. Or, as a third option, open "Quick Settings" and press the power off button. A button with the "Restart" option will appear.

Перезагрузите телефон AndroidRestart your Android phone

To restart Android:

  1. Press and hold the physical shutdown button.
  2. Click "Restart".
  3. If Google Assistant appears, ask it to restart the device.
  4. Alternatively, swipe down from the top edge of the screen.
  5. Quick settings will be displayed.
  6. Swipe down on the "Quick Settings" item to see them in full.
  7. You will see a small on and off button.
  8. Click it, then click "Restart".

Update Google Play Services

If the fastest and most practical solution — restarting your phone — didn't work, let's try our luck with updating Google Play Services. Obviously, this will require an available update. It's not always like that. But it's worth a try... You can check for updates to Google Play Services in the Google Play store or by following the link in the first paragraph.

Обновите Сервисы Google PlayUpdate Google Play Services

Check the installed version number. You will find it in Settings > Applications and by logging into Google Play Services. If the versions match, it's a dead end. But if you have an older version installed, try updating it to check if it is working properly after the update.

Reinstall it again

If you have tried to update Google Play Services, but there is no newer version, you can always reinstall the application. There are two ways you can do this. Uninstall and reinstall or directly reinstall Google Play Services on top of the already installed version. Both options are equally effective.

Переустановите Сервисы Google PlayReinstall Google Play Services

To reinstall Google Play Services:

  1. Download the APK installer for Google Play Services.
  2. Open it directly in the browser.
  3. Agree to the installation.
  4. When this is done, you will reinstall Google Play Services.

Clear the cache and data

Another classic and effective solution when an Android application is not working correctly is to clear the cache and data of this application. The same thing works with Google Play Services, since it's just another app running in the background that other apps depend on.

Очистите данные и кэш Сервисов Google PlayClear the data and cache of Google Play Services

To clear the cache and data of Google Play Services:

  1. Open the settings
  2. Go to "Applications".
  3. Select Google Play Services.
  4. Log in to the storage.
  5. You will see several buttons.
  6. One for clearing the cache, the other for clearing the data.
  7. Try clicking on both.

Disable Google Play Services

If the previous solutions did not work, try disabling Google Play Services. And then turn the app back on. This option temporarily deactivates or suspends the corresponding application. When you do this, a message will appear informing you of the consequences of this action. But in this case, it is better to temporarily disable Google Play Services in order to launch them again. Perhaps everything will go smoothly this way.

Отключите Сервисы Google PlayDisable Google Play Services

To disable and re-enable Google Play Services:

  1. Open the settings
  2. Go to "Applications".
  3. Select Google Play Services.
  4. Click "Disable".
  5. Click "Disable the app".
  6. Wait a few seconds.
  7. Now click on "Enable".

Check your luck with updating Google Play Services

As a last resort, if all of the above does not help, a third-party application may come to your aid. There are several applications specializing in Google Play Services. One of them is Update Play Services Software. Basically it does two things. First, it shows information about which version of Google Play Services and Android system apps you have installed. And secondly, it provides several solutions to fix the work of Google Play Services, as well as the Google Play store itself.

Update Play Services Software для AndroidUpdate Play Services Software for Android

Try the suggested solutions one by one until you find the one that solves your problem. It is likely that one way or another, Google Play Services will work correctly again. In most cases, the above solutions should be more than enough.

What to do if Google Play Services are not working?

Google Play Services or Google Play Services are an indispensable component of Android. They perform key functions on all Android devices. And even if you don't have an Android phone, you will need this software to run other apps such as Google Maps, Google Cast feature or, directly, the Google Play Store app store.

They are usually installed by default on most Android phones. And if this is not the case, you can install them manually. Anyway, it's very useful. And although they usually work correctly, sometimes they may not start. If you try to open an application that depends on Google Play Services, an error message may appear on the screen.

Google Play Services are not working: how to solve the problem

Every problem has a solution. And on an Android device, there are always several solutions to this type of problem. Since Google Play Services are just another part of Android, they look like just another app. This means that you can delete, reinstall, delete data, or update it. Next, we'll look at this and other solutions to ensure that Google Play Services work correctly on your mobile phone.

Restart your Android device

Before you get started, it's worth checking if the problem with Google Play Services is a problem with the Services themselves. The application often does not work correctly for some temporary reason. And such problems are solved by a simple reboot. Try restarting your Android phone if Google Play Services won't start. Turning on the device again can solve everything.

To restart your phone, try holding down the power button until the settings appear on the screen. Then click "Restart" and wait for everything to return to normal. If you have Google Assistant enabled, this button will not work for you. You can ask the Assistant to restart the phone. Or, as a third option, open "Quick Settings" and press the power off button. A button with the "Restart" option will appear.

Перезагрузите телефон AndroidRestart your Android phone

To restart Android:

  1. Press and hold the physical shutdown button.
  2. Click "Restart".
  3. If Google Assistant appears, ask it to restart the device.
  4. Alternatively, swipe down from the top edge of the screen.
  5. Quick settings will be displayed.
  6. Swipe down on the "Quick Settings" item to see them in full.
  7. You will see a small on and off button.
  8. Click it, then click "Restart".

Update Google Play Services

If the fastest and most practical solution — restarting your phone — didn't work, let's try our luck with updating Google Play Services. Obviously, this will require an available update. It's not always like that. But it's worth a try... You can check for updates to Google Play Services in the Google Play store or by following the link in the first paragraph.

Обновите Сервисы Google PlayUpdate Google Play Services

Check the installed version number. You will find it in Settings > Applications and by logging into Google Play Services. If the versions match, it's a dead end. But if you have an older version installed, try updating it to check if it is working properly after the update.

Reinstall it again

If you have tried to update Google Play Services, but there is no newer version, you can always reinstall the application. There are two ways you can do this. Uninstall and reinstall or directly reinstall Google Play Services on top of the already installed version. Both options are equally effective.

Переустановите Сервисы Google PlayReinstall Google Play Services

To reinstall Google Play Services:

  1. Download the APK installer for Google Play Services.
  2. Open it directly in the browser.
  3. Agree to the installation.
  4. When this is done, you will reinstall Google Play Services.

Clear the cache and data

Another classic and effective solution when an Android application is not working correctly is to clear the cache and data of this application. The same thing works with Google Play Services, since it's just another app running in the background that other apps depend on.

Очистите данные и кэш Сервисов Google PlayClear the data and cache of Google Play Services

To clear the cache and data of Google Play Services:

  1. Open the settings
  2. Go to "Applications".
  3. Select Google Play Services.
  4. Log in to the storage.
  5. You will see several buttons.
  6. One for clearing the cache, the other for clearing the data.
  7. Try clicking on both.

Disable Google Play Services

If the previous solutions did not work, try disabling Google Play Services. And then turn the app back on. This option temporarily deactivates or suspends the corresponding application. When you do this, a message will appear informing you of the consequences of this action. But in this case, it is better to temporarily disable Google Play Services in order to launch them again. Perhaps everything will go smoothly this way.

Отключите Сервисы Google PlayDisable Google Play Services

To disable and re-enable Google Play Services:

  1. Open the settings
  2. Go to "Applications".
  3. Select Google Play Services.
  4. Click "Disable".
  5. Click "Disable the app".
  6. Wait a few seconds.
  7. Now click on "Enable".

Check your luck with updating Google Play Services

As a last resort, if all of the above does not help, a third-party application may come to your aid. There are several applications specializing in Google Play Services. One of them is Update Play Services Software. Basically it does two things. First, it shows information about which version of Google Play Services and Android system apps you have installed. And secondly, it provides several solutions to fix the work of Google Play Services, as well as the Google Play store itself.

Update Play Services Software для AndroidUpdate Play Services Software for Android

Try the suggested solutions one by one until you find the one that solves your problem. It is likely that one way or another, Google Play Services will work correctly again. In most cases, the above solutions should be more than enough.