Google Play Services is an important Android application. They are present on Google Play as just another application, but they are responsible for several tasks related to the operating system of your mobile device and the applications you have installed.
This app is usually installed on most Android phones, but this is not always the case. There are manufacturers who, by their own decision or due to pressure from Google, were forced to do without Google Play Services and any Google applications or components. So if you want to use them, you will have to install them manually. Since this is just another application, it can be installed from the installer.
What are Google Play Services and what are they used for?
Let's see what Google Play says about Google Play Services. "This component provides essential features such as authentication for Google services, contact synchronization, access to the latest user privacy settings, and better and more cost-effective location services."
That is, Google Play Services act as intermediaries between your Android device and your apps so that they can use the features provided by Google through these apps and online services. You can live without it, but the Google ecosystem is so wide and works so well that in certain situations you can do without services.
Can an Android phone work without Google Play Services?
One of the reasons to buy an Android phone is to be able to use Google apps and services. But you don't have to do that. There are users who like Android, but they don't want to know anything about Google, YouTube, Maps, Yandex. Disk, Chrome, and other apps and services. So yes, Android can work without Google Play services. Some manufacturers have abandoned this in their phones and provide their own apps, their own app store, and other services. This happens, for example, on some Huawei phones.

On the other hand, there are customized versions of Android in the form of ROMs, known as custom ROMs, which have eliminated any traces of Google and Google Play services. They are fully functional and equipped with their own applications. And they are created for those who do not want to know anything about Google, but enjoy the advantages and versatility that Android offers, unlike its main competitor iOS.
How to install Google Play Services step by step
Google Play services are displayed on Android as just another app. This means that you can do the same thing with it as with any other application. For example, install it on your phone if it is not installed by default. Thus, the process is, in principle, as simple as installing any application. Please remember that to install the APK, you need to activate the "Unknown Sources" option in the Android settings.

- Open the settings
- Go to the Applications.
- Open applications with special access.
- Go to the "Installing unknown applications" section.
- Select the application from which you are going to download or install the APK.
- Activate the "Authorize from this source" option.
- It is possible that this process can be performed in the browser during the download.
In the best case, to install Google Play Services, you just need to download the APK installer of Google Play Services and start the installation. After installing this application, it will be updated like the rest of the applications.

- Open the default Android browser.
- Insert a link to download Google Play Services.
- Click "Upload".
- Allow the download.
- Or go to the Downloads section and click on the downloaded installer.
- When the download is complete, click Install.
- When finished, click "Done".
- You will not see the "Open" option because Google Play Services is not a standard application.