City of Fairy Tales 1.0.9

City of Fairy Tales 1.0.9
Evaluation 5.00/5 votes - 2
License Free
Version 1.0.9
Updated 31.01.2018
OS Android 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x
Interface English
Developer Shevol App
Categories other - Literature
Downloads (today/total) 0 / 1 377
Size 6.94 MB
The City of Fairy Tales is an audio application for your kids, where they will hear amazing and exciting stories familiar to all of us since childhood. The fairy tale, though a fictional story, but it keeps in itself a kind of inexplicable miracle that can delight every child. Any fairy tale opens up a whole world for the kid with magic, incredible adventures, terrible secrets, kind heroes, the victory of good over evil and necessarily a happy ending. The City of Fairy Tales is an application that contains fairy tales from old (now unfashionable, forgotten and unnecessary) vinyl records, voiced by professional actors or by the authors themselves. Listen to them again yourself and be sure to let your children listen. Internet access is required to download fairy tales to your device, and you do not need to connect to the global network for further listening at any time. Currently, the application catalog contains 70 fairy tales.

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