Cornerfly 1.14.RC2

Cornerfly 1.14.RC2
Evaluation 0.00/5 votes - 0
License Free
Version 1.14.RC2
Updated 31.01.2018
OS Android 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x
Interface English
Developer Flyperinc
Category other
Downloads (today/total) 0 / 1,032
Size 2.62 MB

Cornerfly is a small utility that will allow users to give their Android devices a fashionable feature, namely rounds the corners on the screen of a smartphone or tablet, such as in the flagship smartphone LG G6 or Samsung Galaxy S8. There is an opportunity to independently select applications in which this option will be activated (by default, the function works in all installed applications and in the stock launcher interface).

In the program settings, it is possible to select the degree of rounding, set the color of the corners, turn on/off notifications for settings in the notification panel, determine full-screen mode, and also manually set which of the corners should be rounded (upper left, upper right, lower left and lower right).

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