Electronic queue 1.05

Electronic queue 1.05
Evaluation 3.83/5 votes - 6
License Demo version
Version 1.05
Updated 21.06.2012
OS Windows 7, Vista, XP
Interface English
Developer LLC "Firm "ELEKS"
Categories Case management - Cash register, receipts, price tags
Downloads (today/total) 1/5 638
Size 28.58 Mb

Electronic Queue is a Queue management system program (ELX-Queue) for self-deployment. It allows you to create a fully functional system of SLA in an office or a cash register. No special expensive display boards and other components are required.

Features of the queue system based on the ELX-Queue program:

  • Availability of all necessary components in one software package.
  • Low cost of equipment. Using a standard technical base.
  • Speed of deployment. If there is a working local network, the installation time is no more than 10 minutes per workplace.
  • Flexibility and scalability. On-the-fly configuration capability and unlimited build-up.
  • Qualified support, modification of the system at the request of the customer.
  • Using a standard technical base - computers and LCD TVs - allows you to organize maintenance by your own IT department or a nearby computer company.

Minimum set of components:

  • Administrator - configuration program.
  • A standard design registration terminal.
  • Main display on the LCD panel
  • Virtual operator console with one call button
  • Melodious sound call
  • Module for connecting the LED main scoreboard
  • The module for connecting the operator's LED display.

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