Elf (mini warehouse) 7.01

Elf (mini warehouse) 7.01
Evaluation 4.33/5 votes - 12
License Free
Version 7.01
Updated 31.03.2006
OS Windows Vista, XP, 2000
Interface English
Developer Gorbachev Yuri Pavlovich
Category Warehouse accounting
Downloads (today/total) 0 / 21 491
Size 983 KB

Elf (mini warehouse) designed for warehouse accounting, creation and processing of primary documents, various reports, the Elf was specially designed so that even an unprepared user could work with it without difficulty.

  • Payment orders, Invoice, Waybill, Tax Invoice, Cash Receipt /Expense Order, Order, Certificate of Completed Works and Acceptance/Transfer Certificate.
  • Log of created documents and primitive reports on them...
  • Directory of contaminants (enterprises and individuals)
  • Product directory + price list
  • Reports. There are only two of them: for goods and counterparties, but the detail for a specific position is maximum for a 100% understanding of what is happening and tracking: income /expense, balances, relationships with partners, cost, margin. The substitution of accounting concepts for publicly available ones was made: take, give, balance, etc. The period for which you can view reports: from one day to the entire period of working with the program!
  • Recalculations with results: surpluses and shortages
  • charts
  • Lots of warehouses, etc.
  • The period of conducting operations is unlimited!!! it is not necessary to send the data of the previous period to the archive, and if necessary extract them.

After installation, the program will ask you to enter the code: 101.
The password to the program is 1.

Since 01.02.2005, the program has become absolutely free. You can register for free and get a key on the program's website.

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