FastReport VCL 5.3.1 for BDS 2005

FastReport VCL 5.3.1 for BDS 2005
Evaluation 5.00/5 votes - 3
License Shareware
Restriction export no more than 5 pages
Version 5.3.1 for BDS 2005
Updated 21.04.2015
OS Windows XP
Interface English, Ukrainian
Developer Fast Reports, Inc.
Categories Delphi, Pascal - Components, Libraries - Development Tools
Downloads (today/total) 0 / 9 090
Size 10.83 Mb

FastReport is a set of components for building reports, it is a combination of a designer, a generator and a Preview of reports. FastReport is written in 100% Object Pascal and can be installed in Borland Delphi 4-7, 2005 and C++Builder 4-6.

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