Geekbench 5.4.3
Evaluation | 3.75/5 votes - 8 |
License | Shareware |
Version | 5.4.3 |
Updated | 18.11.2021 |
OS | Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7 |
Interface | English |
Developer | Primate Labs |
Category | Diagnostics, tests |
Downloads (today/total) | 1/18 329 |
Size | 119.4 Mb |
Geekbench is a cross-platform benchmark for measuring the performance of the processor and the memory subsystem of the computer.
If you wish, you can publish and compare your performance with the results of other users of this test. For these purposes, Geekbench has a built-in Geekbench Result Browser.