OP Auto Clicker 3.0

OP Auto Clicker 3.0
Evaluation 3.17/5 votes - 127
License Free
Version 3.0
Updated 15.01.2021
OS Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7
Interface English
Разработчик opautoclicker.com
Category Automation
Downloads (today/total) 14 / 11 892
Size 844 KB

OP Auto Clicker is one of the best auto clickers with a simple interface for programming repeated mouse button clicks. This will be most relevant and in demand in online games, where numerous clicks on a certain area or object give points, resources or bonuses.

The utility settings allow you to reassign hotkeys, set the intervals of clicks in minutes, seconds and milliseconds, specify the number of repetitions and even the coordinates of clicks. There are 2 modes of operation available: clicking on a certain area of the screen (specific coordinates are specified) and clicks at the current mouse location. There is also an option to select the button that will be pressed, as well as the type of click.

Key features of OP Auto Clicker:

  • Programming repeated clicks.
  • Setting the type of clicks, the interval and the number of repetitions.
  • Setting up hotkeys.
  • Simple and concise user interface.
  • Does not require installation.

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