Port II

Enter your search queryPort II
Evaluation 0.00/5 votes - 0
License Free
Updated 16.04.2013
OS Windows 7, Vista, XP
Interface English
Developer DVK-Soft
Category External devices
Downloads (today/total) 0/2458
Size 334 KB

PORT II is a program for working with a COM port. Designed to work with a serial (RS-232) computer port. It can be used for debugging various devices that use a serial port in their work.

Features of PORT II:

  • Simultaneous operation with two COM ports is supported, which allows you to listen to data exchange between two third-party devices.
  • You can quickly change the port number, speed, number of data bits, stop bits, parity, status of DTR/RTS lines. You can set the Line Break state. There is an experimental RS-485 mode.
  • Settings profiles are supported.
  • The transmitted data can be written in decimal, hexadecimal, char or string format. You can transfer files (ASCII or Binary). Timer transmission is possible.
  • Individual transmitted bytes can be incremented/decremented after each transmission, random bytes can be sent each time, pauses can be made between the transmission of individual bytes.
  • The transmission history is being maintained.
  • It is possible to memorize up to 5 patterns for transmission and transfer them by hot keys.
  • Extension modules (plugins) for transmission are supported. For example, you can add CRC-8 to the transmitted byte sequence.
  • The received data can be displayed in various number systems (Dec byte, Hex byte, Dec word, Hex word, ASCII, Binary byte). You can write the received data directly to the file. You can display the received data on a graph.
  • Transmission and reception with logging of the time of sending (receiving) information is possible.

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