RS File Repair 1.1

RS File Repair 1.1
Evaluation 3.17/5 votes - 6
License Shareware
Restriction does not save corrected files
Version 1.1
Updated 08.02.2013
OS Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Interface English
Developer RecoverySoftware
Category Data Recovery
Downloads (today/total) 0/12 317
Size 3.52 MB

RS File Repair is an easy-to-use file recovery program. It will fix damaged files after a failed recovery of deleted files, a virus attack, a software or hardware failure. Supports recovery of damaged digital images and allows you to restore damaged photos to their original appearance. During the recovery process, RS File Repair will independently save the damaged file in its original quality, as well as all the data contained in the file, including Priview and Exif data.


  • Fixing files that don't open or open with an error
  • Fixing errors in the internal structure of files
  • Restoring the structure of damaged digital images in any popular formats (JPG, JPEG, JPE, JFIF, TIFF, TIF, PNG)
  • The ability to quickly find and correct logical errors in the structure of corrupted files
  • The possibility of using a longer, but better and more detailed study of damage in the files being restored, which allows you to save much more information from the desired file and restore even severely damaged data
  • Ability to preview the results of fixing corrupted files
  • The step-by-step File Correction Wizard will help to correct errors in the logical structure of files with minimal user involvement

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