ScreenMaster 2.10.1

Evaluation | 4.27/5 votes - 18 |
License | Shareware |
Limit | 30 days |
Version | 2.10.1 |
Updated | 04.02.2020 |
OS | Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, XP |
Interface | English |
Developer | SEASofware |
Category | Screen Capture |
Downloads (today/total) | 0/12 099 |
Size | 2.57 MB |
ScreenMaster is an easy-to-use program that is designed to take screenshots (screenshots) both the entire screen and active application windows. It is possible to manually or automatically take screenshots at a specified interval. The finished images are saved to JPG, BMP, PNG files or to the clipboard. For the convenience of the user, when automatically taking a large number of screenshots, they can be archived into a zip archive. There is support for hotkeys. The program works from the system tray or in a hidden mode from the user.
Key Features:
- Support for hidden mode without displaying in the taskbar and tray.
- Manual creation of screenshots by hotkey or from the system tray
- Automatic creation of screenshots with a certain time interval
- Support for BMP, JPEG, PNG formats.
- Setting the compression level for JPEG and PNG formats.
- Saving a snapshot to a single file, to files with a numeric name, with the creation time
- Copying a snapshot to the clipboard
- The ability to enter the file name after each screenshot (in manual mode)
- Automatic overwriting/deletion of old screenshots during automatic shooting
- The ability to archive screenshots in a zip archive
- The ability to overlay the date /time.
- Logging events to a text file