Sea Battle 2.0.50

Sea Battle 2.0.50
Evaluation 4.80/5 votes - 5
License Free
Version 2.0.50
Updated 04.01.2015
OS Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000
Interface English
Developer Maxim Horin
Categories Arcade, Action - other
Downloads (today/total) 0 / 7 483
Size 3.88 Mb

Sea battle is an interesting variation of the classic turn-based sea battle, where additional capabilities are used to detect enemy ships. Two submarine fleets, hidden by the sea surface, mixed in a grand battle. This cunning maneuver was used by the warring governments to clarify relations without attracting the attention of the rest of the world. However, the competing superpowers did not miss the opportunity to secretly stand up for their proteges.

With the help of drones, you can help your ally's fleet - fire at the water area, trying to hit enemy submarines and not damage the ships of your friends. After the explosion, the drone's sonar aimed at this sector picks up echoes from nearby submarines. Sonar works during combat in one of the modes:

  • Alien - tracks the number of enemies in neighboring sectors.
  • Own - tracks the number of allies in neighboring sectors.
  • General - tracks the number of all submarines.

The operation of the sonar is not affected by the condition of the submarine. The result depends only on the availability of the vessel in the sector. Based on the incoming information, the operator determines the priority targets for the attack.

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