USB Network Gate 9.0.2236

USB Network Gate 9.0.2236
Evaluation 3.63/5 votes - 8
License Shareware
Limit 14 days
Version 9.0.2236
Updated 08.05.2020
OS Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, XP
Interface English, Polish
Developer Eltima Software
Category External devices
Downloads (today/total) 0 / 3 828
Size 5.4 MB

USB Network Gate is a program that will allow you to connect to any USB device located on a remote computer on the network. After installation on a local computer, you get access to it from anywhere in the world and will be able to use USB devices on it.

This will allow you to always use a remote scanner, printer, webcam, modem, USB device and any other equipment, as if they are connected directly to your PC.

Application Features:

  • Sharing USB ports via LAN/WAN/VLAN/VPN/Internet
  • Connecting USB devices to virtual machines and blade servers
  • Getting access to USB via RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)
  • Access to USB devices via Wi-Fi
  • Isolation of a USB device in an RDP session
  • Advanced settings:
    • selecting connection parameters for each individual port or device
    • secure access using authorization and encryption
    • allowing connection only to certain addresses
    • the ability to work from the command line
    • can be used on virtual machine

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