We Are Illuminati 1.9.2

We Are Illuminati 1.9.2
Evaluation 4.00/5 votes - 1
License Free
Version 1.9.2
Updated 24.04.2021
OS Android 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, 10.x, 11.x
Interface English
Developer Tapps Games
Categories Strategy Simulators
Downloads (today/total) 0 / 606
Size 99.62 Mb

We Are Illuminati - a simulator of a secret society. The user needs to join the ranks of members of a secret organization and influence the masses of ordinary people by all means! The path you choose to achieve your goal depends solely on your imagination - mind control, hidden messages in music videos, strange chemicals in tap water, etc.

Confirm the validity of conspiracy theories and give their authors new food for thought. Make deals with reptilian aliens who control the state of affairs in the world from behind the scenes, hire pop idols and Hollywood stars according to your preferences and slowly move towards becoming a big shot in the secret community!


  • Practice the skills of world domination that you have always wanted to apply, influencing people and turning them into happy and obedient lambs!
  • Beat a fellow member of the secret community (rival) in the race for power over the Earth!
  • Work hard for the sake of dominating not only our world, but also the other two planets! Why limit yourself to Earth if you have powerful contacts in the universe?
  • Eavesdrop on secret conversations by placing wires in the offices of powerful world leaders, and manipulate their dirty plans for the sake of realizing their dirty plans!
  • Enjoy everything that can bring you influence as you establish your own order in the world!

Just in case, put on a foil hat and join the secret community right now!

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