Workrave 1.10.44

Workrave 1.10.44
Evaluation 4.67/5 votes - 6
License Free
Version 1.10.44
Updated 01.09.2020
OS Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, XP
Interface English
Developer Raymond Penners & Rob Caelers
Category Health
Downloads (today/total) 1/883
Size 13.66 Mb

Workrave is a useful application designed to preserve the health of a user who is constantly at the computer. It offers to take short breaks (Micro Break), long breaks (Rest Break) at specified intervals, and also limits the daily limit of work (Daily Limit).

There are reminders of the need to take a break, and the utility will also show you animated exercises that need to be done to stretch numb limbs and rest your eyes. It is possible to configure intervals, statistics, multiple operating modes, etc.

The program helps in the prevention and treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome and relieving general muscle tension.

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